Positive Discipline Curricula in Bulgaria – April 14 to 19

Teachers from the different schools partners of the project participated in a mobility program in Bulgaria, aiming to start discussions, planning, and structuring the creation of Positive Discipline curricula to be implemented in the next academic year. During the mobility, the teachers had the opportunity to meet with teachers from other schools involved in the project, with the work guided by Positive Discipline specialists Krisztina Gaudry and Nadine Gaudin. This meeting was crucial for exchanging experiences and ideas, providing a solid foundation for developing curricula that meet the specific needs of school communities, student ages, and education levels. The teachers explored various approaches and techniques, focusing on strategies that encourage self-confidence, responsibility, and peaceful conflict resolution among students. In addition to discussions and workshops, the teachers also visited the school in Bulgaria where they conducted Positive Discipline workshops with some classes. These visit allowed them to observe directly how these techniques can be applied in the classroom and the observable benefits for the school climate and student performance. The observations and insights gained were invaluable for adapting and personalizing the curricula to be developed. The next step will be drafting detailed plans for implementing Positive Discipline curricula in partner schools starting next academic year.