
Positive Discipline in European Schools

Six schools across Europe (Bulgaria, France, Hungary, North Macedonia, Poland and Portugal) are involved in an ERASMUS+  cooperation partnership in school education project, agreement number 2023-1-HU01-KA220-SCH-000156486.

This is a 2-year project,  starting from October 1st 2023. It provides a framework for parents, teachers, educators, students and school leaders to familiarise themselves with the theory and practice of Positive Discipline, and develop Personal, Social and Learning to Learn competence (both adults and children, youth).

A research organisation has accompanied the project as have 2 qualified trainers.

Our aim is to integrate the Positive Discipline pedagogical approach into the everyday life of our schools.

The project will conclude with a large international conference – the first European Positive Discipline conference, where we will invite schools, researchers, professionals, and parents inside and outside of the project to share their experiences in summer 2025.

Our goal

Our program’s title is “Positive Discipline in European Schools.

Our goal is to help children develop essential Personal, Social and Learning to Learn Competence (PSLL) by using the tools of Positive Discipline:

We believe that true discipline comes from internal guidance and self-control, not external punishments and rewards. The 2 general objectives of the project:

 You can see here the specific objectives and the activities planned: