
Six schools across the EU very committed to learning and practising Positive Discipline

Sofia, Bulgaria

107 Primary school "Khan Krum"

The school was founded in 1934. It had only two classrooms and a room for kindergarten. Its first flag was a horse tail like the first ancient Bulgarian flags. In the next years the number of students and the number of classes grew up and when the school moved to its new building in 1958, it had 26 classes with 948 students. Nowadays there are 27 classes with 698 students and 65 teachers. We organize additional Math classes for students with expressed interests in mathematics. The program for these classes is developed by a team which includes teachers from our school, from the National High School of National Sciences and Mathematics and lecturers from the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics. We are proud that this year our school is celebrating its 90th anniversary. Many famous people have been part of our school. Also many teachers of the team were students here. 107 primary school Khan Krum has been in top 3 best primary schools in Bulgaria for the last 3 years.

Roye, France

OGEC Jeanne D'arc Roye

Our college is not so big, about 380 students in 15 classes and it’s a rural college (college = it’s a four-year program that follows elementary school). The age group is generally 10-11 (in sixth grade) to 14-15 (in third grade). In the sixth, the fourth and the third grade we have 4 classes and in the fifth we have 3 classes. The pupils come from the region (Roye and about 15 kilometers nearby) and of varied social status. We have a special welcome for students with special needs. About 62 students have special needs (17% of our students) in differents areas from mild to severe disorder (autism and psychotic) The wellness of our students is very important* that’s why we had for 4 weeks a training on positive discipline to be better able to support children. 25 teachers work in the college and 20 in the primary school.

Makó, Hungary

Szignum Kéttannyelvű Egyházi Általános Iskola

Our school is a Hungarian – English Bilingual Elementary Middle School in Makó, Southern Hungary, only 10 kms from the Serbian – Romanian border. Our students are 6-15 years old, grade 1-8. We have 320 students, 35 teachers and 15 other co-workers. We have two parallel classes in each grade:

  • One is bilingual class where students’ have every day English lessons (45 min) + 2 other subjects are taught in English.
  • In the other class English as a foreign language is also taught from the first grade, but with fewer lessons.

Our school has:

  • the Eco-School title since September 2021. We have an eco-team to organize a variety of environmental education programs for students.
  • an Eco School Garden programme
  • Student eco-parliament
  • Mindfulness in School Program

Our students can choose from a range of extra-curricular activities, like sports, Bicycle club, learning to play an instrument, choir, STEAM, art, French and Russian languages, voluntary activities and so on.

Kičevo, North Macedonia

OOU "Kuzman Josifoski-Pitu"

OOU Kuzman Josifoski – Pitu – Kichevo has a tradition of 61 years in education and upbringing of students from 6-14 years. In the past 6 decades, the school permanently aims as an educational institution to: ensuring full coverage in the educational process and responding to the diverse needs of everyone students; providing a systemic approach to encourage cognitive, socio-emotional and the psychomotor development of the student according to his developmental characteristics; achieving the national standards for students in primary education from different areas: digital literacy, personal and social development, democratic culture and citizenship; developing self-confidence and self-awareness in the student individuality and responsibility; education to respect diversity; development of students; literacy and abilities to understand, inform and express themselves; nurturing the national, civil, ethnic and cultural identity, etc.

Białystok, Poland

Szkoła Podstawowa nr 50 z Oddziałami Integracyjnymi im. Świętej Jadwigi Królowej Polski w Białymstoku

St. Hedwig Queen of Poland Primary School No. 50 with Integrated Classes in Białystok is a large city school. Currently, there are 1008 pupils in 50 classes, including 13 integration classes, 4 sports classes and 2 pre-school classes. The school employs 114 teachers. In the opinion of the local community the school is an institution that cares for the comprehensive development and safety of children. It creates opportunities for equal educational opportunities and the development of interests through a wide range of activities. The priority of our school is integration, high level of learning and educational success of our students. With a view to inclusive education we have created a small number of classes where children are supervised by two teachers and in older classes they can count on the help of a support teacher, a pedagogue, a psychologist, a speech therapist, special educators, SI therapists and remedial teachers. The school building is equipped with lifts, ramps and special toilets. Of the school’s 50 divisions, 10 classes are inclusive: in grades 1-3 (4 groups), there are 5 students in each 20-person class with an opinion or a special education evaluation, with two teacher educators working in such a class. In the older grades it is similar, but instead of a second teacher educator, there is a co-education teacher who supports the work of students with dysfunctions and the teacher in charge. Every school year, we organize an Interschool Integration Festival, in which children from the integration classes of our school and others perform. This year, the 19th Integration Festival falls in April. Every year we organize many activities at school to promote integration, including a week of integration activities in all the classes of our school.

Porto, Portugal

Salesianos do Porto

In the current school year – 2022/2023, SALESIANOS DO PORTO has 47 teachers, 69 non-teaching staff and 510 students. Our Educational Project is based on Don Bosco’s aphorism, “Education is a matter of the heart”.

The psycho-pedagogical keys support our educational work, so that the pedagogical intervention is appropriate for each student and for each environment:

  • The importance of the emotional factor, amorevolezza, as the fundamental inspiration for the structuring of personality and the energizer of learning. This socio-affective dimension assumes a fundamental role in the unleashing of cognitive processes cognitive processes, in an inseparable interconnection between intelligence/cognition and affectivity/emotion.
  • Multisensory Learning – the senses help us understand the world around us through what we hear, see, taste, smell, and/or touch. Multisensory learning engages students in activities that integrate the use of sensory modalities, allowing them to make meaning of their learning through sensory exploration and the development of perceptual skills. The routines in our learning environments develop experiences and Early Stimulation facilitate in students a correct neurological organization that enables them to achieve intellectual, artistic, social, physical and spiritual excellence, allowing them to enjoy a good understanding.
  • Personalization of the processes is at the heart of our educational educative-pastoral action, because we attend to the uniqueness of each person: life contexts, family, free choices. The purpose of personalized learning is to motivate, encourage, and empower students to take control of their own learning. Motivation and the ability to learn autonomously are essential to personalization, because it reduces dependence on the teacher and on traditional classroom-based instructional styles. On the other hand, it motivates teachers to devise ways to reach each of their students, thus facilitating the achievement of common goals and criteria.